After downloading with Aria2, you need to remove it, otherwise the Raspberry Pi's 16GB SD card + 32GB USB drive will be full in no time. Here I use Samba.
sudo apt -y install samba
Create a new Samba user "pi" (you can customize the username) and set a password:
sudo smbpasswd -a pi
Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf
and add:
# Description
comment = Jason Storage
# Path to shared files
path = /mnt/downloads
# Visible resource name (not content) that can be seen by others
browseable = yes
# Writable
writable = yes
# New file permission is 664
create mask = 0664
# New directory permission is 775
directory mask = 0775
Restart the service:
sudo systemctl restart smbd.service
In Windows' "Map Network Drive", enter \\<Raspberry Pi's IP>\storage
Now editing files on the Raspberry Pi is just like editing local files on Windows.